Thursday, December 12, 2013

Good health is not that difficult to achieve.  It is your perspective of the journey or choices .  Your awesomeness must be embraced first, educate yourself on the truths, so you will recognize the directions to success. There is no fast, quite or magic formula that will give you good health.  This is a money making industry. One day at a time

. Befriend us on face book and read the article " High Blood Pressure, The Silent Killer" 

Why wait until Spring to be fit and strong?

Our Theme for A Strong You Fitness Boot Camp  this month is: "Burn Fat, Build Muscle"

Next camps starts January 13th
5:30 am William Davie Park
7:45 am 8801 Park Rd
9:15 am Elon Park

You are awesome, therefore go show your awesomeness.

Thank you for reading my blog
 Dianna Akar

Friday, December 6, 2013

A Strong You now offers Tabata Boot Camps.

There are many different forms of workouts out there and each workout will give you a different result. Some increase muscle mass, some increase strength, others help you lose weight and so forth. Cardiovascular (cardio for short) exercises are a popular brand of exercise designed to improve endurance and stimulate fat loss. Cardio exercises can be anything from long distance running, skipping, biking or even power walking. All of these usually fall under the category of moderate intensity training because they tend to last anywhere from a half hour to more than an hour going at the same pace.

“Tabata” is the name of a particular type of workout program that provides similar health benefits to that of cardio workouts, but Tabata has a bit more spice. Instead of hours upon hours or exercise, Tabata can be completed in 4 minutes. Tabata falls under the category of high intensity training or high intensity interval training. 

If you are interested in learning more about Tabata Boot Camps, contact Dianna Akar at: